Saturns Rings
Saturns Rings

Paul Corlies

photo of Paul Corliescaricature of Paul CorliesPaul Corlies
B.A., Univ. Pennsylvania (2013)
Ph.D. Student, Cornell Univ. (2013 – Present)

Paul is a Gemini Science Fellow at the Gemini Observatory and currently works on observing and studying clouds and atmospheric dynamics of Titan.
Currently, he uses the SINFONI instrument on the VLT to make spectroscopic observations to monitor the presence and characteristics of clouds. He is additionally interested in various types of instrumentations, having worked on a variety of instruments to date including ACTPol, BLAST, NIRSPEC, a proposed near-IR spectrometer for the Mars 2020 Rover, and is currently designing an FTS for measurements in submillimeter wavelengths.

Selected Publications / Abstracts:
M. ‘Ad’amkovics, J.L. Mitchell, A.G. Hayes, P.M. Rojo, P. Corlies, J.W. Barnes, V. D. Ivanov, R.H. Brown, K.H. Baines, B.J. Buratti, R.N. Clark, P.D. Nicholson, C. Sotin. Meridional variation in tropospheric methane on Titan observed with AO spectroscopy at Keck and VLT. Icarus, 2015.

G.D. McDonald, P. Corlies, J.J. Wray, S.M. Hörst, J.D. Hofgartner, L.R. Liuzzo, J. Bu?o, A.G. Hayes. Altitude-Dependence of Titan’s Methane Transmission Windows: Informing Future Missions. LPSC 2015, The Woodland, TX.