Titans Lakes
Titans Lakes

Nicholas Kutsop

photo of Nicholas Kutsopcaricature of Nicholas KutsopNicholas Kutsop
B.S., Northern Arizona University (2014)
Ph.D. Candidate, Cornell University (2014 – Present)

Nic’s current research uses the RADAR aboard the Cassini satellite to study Titan altimetry, the measurement of altitude above the surface, and bathymetry, the measurement of depth of the lakes. In addition to Titan he is interested in Europa, Enceladus, Ganymede, Triton, and Mars. Specifically he wants to learn about these bodies’ geomorphology, crater morphology, topography, and surface and interior processes. Nic also has an interest in developing, designing, and building instrumentation to go to or study these places. Outside of his research, Nic has a passion for video games, space operas, anime and manga.

Selected Publications / Abstracts:
N.W. Kutsop, K.J. Mighell, L. Allen & M. Trueblood, Analysis of the Photometric Accuracy of the PhAst IDL Procedure, Northern Arizona University, 2015.