Titans Lakes
Saturns Rings

Data Products

Titan SAR Data

Full Dataset


Download: cassini_radar.tar.gz [92.3 GB]

Cassini RADAR Users Guide

Credit: USGS

Download: Titan_SAR_Swath_Outlines.zip [21 MB]

Credit: Léa Bonnefoy

Description: The full Cassini synthetic aperture radar (SAR) dataset of Titan, including swaths and mosaics, and shapefiles outlining the swaths.

Titan Polar Mapping

Full Dataset

North Polar Region: https://doi.org/10.7298/smda-t742

South Polar Region: https://doi.org/10.7298/2bdt-p498

Download: titan_polar_mapping.zip [6.4 GB]

Credit: Samuel Birch (includes data from Birch et al., 2016)

Description: ArcGIS projects, along with corresponding SAR and topography data, used to create the geomorphologic map of Titan's polar terrains.

Topography of Titan

Download: dda_products_v2.rar [82.6 MB]

Credits: Valerio Poggiali, Marco Mastrogiuseppe, Alexander Gerard Hayes, Roberto Seu, Joseph Peter Mullen, Samuel Patrick Dennis Birch, and Maria Carmela Raguso

Description: Cassini delay/Doppler RADAR Altimeter Data Archive; broad-scale surface topography data for Saturn's largest moon Titan.

Titan SARtopo Derived Digital Topography Models


Full Dataset

Download: titan_topo.zip [27.5 MB]

Credit: Paul Corlies (Corlies et al., 2017)

Description: Updated topographic models of Titan, including all the available altimetry, SARtopo, and stereophotogrammetry topographic data sets available from the mission.

Titan Channel Map

Full Dataset

Download: titan_channels.zip [1.1 MB]

Credit: Julia Miller (Miller et al., 2021)

Description: A shapefile (plus auxilary ArcGIS files) for global channel mapping on Titan, including certianty, stream order, width, and channel segment length.

Titan Equitorial SAR Mosaics

Full Dataset

Quadrant 1: https://doi.org/10.7298/s709-7w42

Quadrant 2: https://doi.org/10.7298/4az4-gk54

Quadrant 3: https://doi.org/10.7298/vaaf-sy65

Quadrant 4: https://doi.org/10.7298/fz1q-ya32

Download: titan_equitorial_mosaics.zip [7.7 GB]

Credit: Samuel Birch

Description: SAR mosaics of Titan's equitorial regions, between latitudes 60S and 60N, divided into longitudinal quadrants.

Comet 67P Sediment Transport Map

Full Dataset

Download: comet_67p.zip [520 MB]

Credit: Megan Barrington (Barrington et al., In Review)

Description: This dataset consists of a collection of 1) PNG files used as basemaps with and without latitude and longitude lines, 2) PNG files used as layers used for analysis, 3) projection files recording the georeferencing data for each co-registered images, 4) shapefiles annotating locations and types of changes in each image and 5) ArcMap projects for each region.