Mars Bonneville Crater
Mars Bonneville Crater


Book Chapters

[6] A. G. Hayes and S. P. D. Birch. Titan Oceanography (under contract), In: J. Barnes and J. Radebaugh (Eds) The Geology of Titan.  IOP / AAS.

[5] A. G. Hayes and S.  P. D. Birch. The Lakes and Rivers of Titan (under contract), In: R. Lopes (Eds) Titan After Cassini-Huygens. COSPAR / Elsevier.

[4] R. D. Lorenz and A. G. Hayes. The Seas of Titan: A Guide to the Extraterrestrial Oceanography of Cryogenic Hydrocarbon Liquid on Saturn’s Giant Moon (under contract), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

[3] A. Coustensis, R. Rodrigo, T. Spohn, K. P. Hand, A. G. Hayes, K. Olsoon-Francis, F. Postberg, C. Sotin, G. Tobie, F. Raulin, N. Walter, and J. L’Haridon (Ed) Ocean Worlds (2021) 345pp., Space Science Series of ISSI, Springer Nature B.V., GX Dordrecht, The Netherlands

[2] O. Aharonson, A. G. Hayes, R. M. C. Lopes, A. Lucas, P. Hayne, T. Perron, and L. A. Soderblom . Titan’s Surface Geology (2013), In: I. Mueller-Wodarg (Ed) Titan: Surface, Atmosphere, and Magnetosphere. 646pp., Cambridge Planetary Science Series, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

[1] J. Grotzinger,  A. G. Hayes, M. O. Lamb, S. M. McLennan. Sedimentary Processes on the Earth, Mars, Titan, and Venus (2013), In: M. Bullock and M. Mackwell (Eds) Comparative Climatology of Terrestrial Planets. 600pp., University of Arizona Press Space Science Series, University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

Journal Publications (* Indicates paper was led by student or postdoc advisee)

RESEARCHER ID: P-2024-2014 http://www.researcherid.com/rid/P-2024-2014

[149] M. N. Barrington*, A. Jindal*, A. G. Hayes, S. P. D. Birch, P. Corlies, J. B. Vincent, and C. Valdez. Geomorphology and Evolution of Smooth Terrains on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Planetary Science Journal (submitted)

[148] A. Jindal*, A. G. Hayes, S. P. D. Birch, O. M. Umurhan, R. Marschall, and J. B. Vincent. Evolution of the Imhotep Basin on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Planetary Science Journal (submitted)

[147] L. Bonnefoy*, A. G. Hayes, A. Lucas, S. Rodriguez, V. Poggiali, D. E. Lalich, R. Lorenz, and A. Le Gall. Surface properties of Dragonfly landing site terrains form their backscatter curves. Planetary Science Journal (submitted)

[146] S.P.D. Birch, G. Parker, P. Corlies, J. M. Soderblom, J. W. Miller, R. V. Palermo, J. M. Lora, A. D. Ashton, A. G. Hayes, and J. T. Perron. Reconstructing river flows on Earth, Titan, and Mars, Science (submitted)

[145] P. M. Corlies*, A. G. Hayes, P. Rojo, M. Adamkovics, E. P. Turtle, S. Rodriguez, J. Lunine. Monitoring of Titan’s meterology over the past decade from Earth, Icarus (submitted).

[144] P. M. Corlies*, A. G. Hayes, J. L. Mitchell, J. Lora, P. Rojo, M. Adamkovics, E. P. Turtle, S. Rodriguez, J. Lunine . Stormy Seas: Reoccurring clouds at Titan’s northern mid-latitudes, Nature Astronomy (submitted).

[143] P. M. Corlies*, A. G. Hayes, S. Rodriguez, E. P. Turtle, J. Kelland, M. Adamkovics, J. M. Lora, C. Newmann, J. L. Mitchell. A complete analysis of clouds in the Cassini VIMS dataset, Icarus (submitted).

[142] P. M. Corlies*, A. G. Hayes,  J. A. Kelland*, S. Rodriguez, E. P. Turtle, J. Barbara, M. Adamkovics, J. M. Lora, C. Newmann, J. L. Mitchell. Measurements of Titan’s wind profiles using cloud tracking in Cassini VIMS, GRL (submitted).

[141] P. M. Corlies*, A. G. Hayes, M. Adamkovics. Observed topographic influencing of clouds on Titan Planetary Science Journal (submitted).

[140] N. Kustop*, A. G. Hayes, P. M. Corlies, S. Le Mouelic, J. I. Lunine, C. A. Nixon, P. Rannout, S. Rodriguez, M. T. Roman, C. Sotin, and T. Tokano, Titan Stratospheric Haze Bands in Cassini VIMS as Tracers of Meridional Circulation. Planetary Science Journal (accepted).

[139] D. E. Lalich*, A. G. Hayes, V. Poggiali, Explaining Bright Radar Reflections Below the south polar oMars without Liquid Water. Nature Communications (accepted).

[138] J. D. Hofgartner, S. P. D. Birch, J. Castillo, W. Grundy, C. J. Hansen, A. G. Hayes, C. Howett, T. A. Hurford, E. S. Martin, K. L. Mitchell, T.A. Nordheim, M. J. Poston, L. M. Prockter, L. C. Quick, P. Schenk, R. N. Schindelm, and O. M. Umurhan. Hypotheses for Triton’s plumes: New analysis and future remote sensing tests. Icarus (2022)

[137] D. E. Lalich*, V. Poggiali*, A. G. Hayes, M. Mastrogiuseppe, M. J. Malaska, L. R. Schumerier. Diverse evolution of mountains and hummocks on Titan as observed by the Cassini RADAR Altimeter. Icarus (2022)

[136] K. P. Hand and 286 Co-Authors including A. G. Hayes. Science Goals and Mission Architecture of the Europa Lander Mission Concept. Planetary Science Journal (2022)

[135] S. Rodriguez and 63 Co-Authors including A. G. Hayes. Exploration of Enceladus and Titan: investigating ocean world’s evolution and habitability in the Saturn system. Experimental Astronomy (2022)

[134] G. Mitri and 15 Co-Authors including A. G. Hayes. Science goals and new mission concepts for future exploration of Titan’s atmosphere, geology, and habitability: titan POlar scout/orbitEr and in situ lake lander and DrONe explorer (POSEIDON). Experimental Astronomy (2022)

[133] C. Hansen and 16 Co-Authors including A. G. Hayes. Triton: Fascinating Moon, Likely Ocean World, Compelling Destination! Planetary Science Journal (2022)

[132] F. Nicols-Fleming*, P. Corlies*, A. G. Hayes, M. Adamkovics, Tracking seasonal variations in the haze distribution of Titan’s atmosphere with SINFONI VLT, Planetary Science Journal (2021).

[131] A. M. Schoenfeld, R. M. C. Lopes, M. Malaska A. Solomonidou, D. A. William, S. P. D. Birch, A. G. Hayes, P. Corlies, A. Le Gall, M. A. Janssen, S. Le Mouelic, E. Turtle, M. Florence, and T. Verlander. Geomorphological map of the South Belet Region of Titan, Icarus (2021).

[130]  Miller, J. W.*, Birch, S. P. D.*, A. G. Hayes, M. Malaska, R. M. C. Lopes, A. M. Schoenfeld, P. M. Corlies, D. M. Burr, T. G. Farr, and J. T. Perron, Fluvial Features on Titan and Earth: Lessons from Planform Images in Low-Resolution SAR, Planetary Science Journal (2021).

[129] J. W. Barnes and 40 Co-Authors including A. G. Hayes. Science Goals and Objectives for the Dragonfly Titan Rotorcraft Relocatable Lander, Planetary Science Journal (2021).

[128] S. M. MacKenzie and 32 Co-Authors including A. G. Hayes. Titan: Earth-like on the Outside, Ocean World on the Inside, Planetary Science Journal (2021).

[127] J. W. Barnes, S. M. MacKenzie, E. F. Young, J. M. Soderblom A. G. Hayes, and C. Sotin. Diffraction-limited Titan Surface Imaging from Orbit Using Near-Infrared Atmospheric Windows. The Planetary Science Journal (2021)

[126] K.P. Hand, C. Sotin, A. G. Hayes, A. Coustenis. On the habitability and future exploration of Ocean Worlds, Space Science Reviews 216 (2021)

[125] J.F. Bell, J. N. Maki, G. L. Mehall, M. A. Ravine, M. A. Caplinger, Z. J. Bailey, A. G. Hayes, et al. The Mars 2020 Perserverance Rover Mast Camera Zoom (Mastcam-Z) Multispectral, Stereoscope Imaging Investigation, Space Science Reviews (2021)

[124] K. M. Kinch, M. B. Madsen, J.F. Bell,  J. N. Maki,, Z. J. Bailey, A. G. Hayes, et al. Radiometric Calibration Targets for the Mastcam-Z Camera on the Mars 2020 Rover Mission, Space Science Reviews (2021)

[123] J.R. Johnson, W. M. Grundy, M. T. Lemmon, W. Liang, J. F. Bell, A. G. Hayes. Spectrophotometric properties of materials observed by Pancam on the Mars Exploration Rovers: 4. Final Mission Observations, Icarus (2021)

[122] A. G. Hayes and 41 co-authors. Pre-Flight Calibration of the Mars 2020 Rover Mastcam Zoom (Mastcam-Z) Multispectral, Stereoscopic Imager. Space Science Reviews (2021)

[121] N. W. Kutsop*, A. G. Hayes, B. J. Buratti, P. M. Corlies, K. Ennico, S. Fan, R. Gladstone, P. Helfenstein, J. D. Hofgartner, M. Hicks, M. Lemmon, J. I. Lunine, J. Moore, P. Nicholson, C. B. Olkin, A. H. Parker, S. A. Stern, H. A. Weaver, L. A. Young. Pluto’s haze abundance and size distribution from limb scattering observations by MVIC. Planetary Science Journal (2021)

[120] V. Poggiali*, A. G. Hayes, M. Mastrogiuseppe, A. Le Gall, S. P. D. Birch. The Bathymetry of Moray Sinus at Titan. Icarus (2021)

[119] P. Corlies*, G. D. McDonald*, A. G. Hayes, J. J. Wray, M. Adamkovics, M. J. Malaska, M. L. Cable, J. D. Hofgartner, S. Horst, L. R. Liuzzo, J. J. Buffo, R. D. Lorenz, E. P. Turtle. Transmission windows in Titan’s Lower Troposphere: Implications for infrared spectrometers aboard future aerial and surface missions. Icarus (2021)

[118] M. J. Malaska, J. Radebaugh, R. Lopes, K. L. Mitchell, T. Verlander, A. M. Schoenfeld, M. M. Florence, A. L. Le Gall, A. Solomonidou, A.G. Hayes, S. P. D. Birch, M. A. Janssen, L. Schurmeier, T. Cornet, C. Ahrens. Labryrinth Terrain on Titan, Icarus 2020

[117] R. Lopes, M. J. Malaska,, A. M. Schoenfeld, A. Solomonidou, S. P. D. Birch, M. Florence, A.G. Hayes, D. A. Williams, J. Radebaugh, T. Verlander, E. P. Turtle, A. Le Gall, S. Wall. A Global Geologic Map of Saturn’s Moon Titan, Nature Astronomy 2020

[116] J. Hofgartner*, A. G. Hayes, D. B. Campbell, J. I. Lunine, G. J. Black, S. M. MacKenzie, S. P. D. Birch, S. D.. Wall. The Root of Specular Reflections from Solid Surfaces on Saturn’s moon Titan, Nature Communications 2020

[115] W. Liang*, J. R. Johnson, A. G. Hayes. M. Lemmon, J. F. Bell, W. G. Grundy, and R. G. Deen, Spectrophotometry from Mars Hand Lens Imager Goniometer Measurements, Icarus 2020

[114] A. Solomonidou, A. Le Gall, M. J. Malaska,, S. P. D. Birch, R.M.C. Lopes, A. Coustenis, S. Rodriguez., S. D. Wall, R. J. Michaelides, M. R. Naser, C. Elachi, A.G. Hayes, J. M. Soderblom, A. M. Schonfeld, C. Matsoukas, P. Drossart, M.A. Jansse, K.J. Lawrence, O. Witasse, J. Yates, and  J. Radebaugh. Spectral and emissivity analysis of the raised ramparts around Titan’s northern lakes, Icarus 2020

[113] A. R. Hendrix, T. A. Hurford, L. M. Barge, M.T. Bland, J.S. Bowman, W. Brinckerhoff, B.J. Buratti, M. L. Cable, J. Castillo-Rogez, G.C. Collins, S. Diniega, C.R. German, A. G. Hayes, T. Hoehler, S. Hosseini, C.J.A Howett, A.S. McEwen, C. D, Neish, M. Neveu, T. A., Nordheim, G. W, Patterson, D. A. Patthoff, C. Phillips, A.  Rhoden, B. E, Schmidt, K. N. Singer, J. M. Soderblom, S. D, Vance. The NASA Roadmap to Ocean Worlds. Astrobiology 2019

[112] R. Lopes, S.D. Wall C. Elachi, A. G. Hayes, and 40 co-authors. Titan as Revealed by the Cassini Radar. Space Science Reviews 2019

[111] M. Mastrogiuseppe*, V. Poggiali*, A.G. Hayes, J. Lunine, J., R.Seu, G. Mitr, anid R. Lorenz. Lakes on Titan are Deep and Methane-Rich, Nature Astronomy 2019

[110] S. P. D. Birch*, A. G. Hayes, O. Umurhan, Y. Tang, J-B. Vincent, N. Oklay, D. Bodewits, B. Davidson, R. Marschall, J. M. Moore, S. W. Squyres, J. M. Soderblom, R. L. Kirk, and H. Sierks, Migrating Scarps as a Significant Driver for Cometary Mass Loss, GRL 2019

[109] Y. Tang*, S. P. D. Birch*, A. G. Hayes, R. Kirk, N. Kutsop, J-B. Vincent, S. Squryes, Generation of Photoclinometric DTMs for Application to Transent Changes on the surface of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, GRL 2019

[108] M. Hofstadter, A. Simon, S. Atreya, D. Banfield, J. Fortney, A. G. Hayes, M. Hedman, G. Hospodarsky, A. Masters, K. Mandt, M. Showalter, K. Soderlund, D. Turrini, E. Turtle. Uranus and Neptune Missions, a Study in Advance of the Next Decadal Survey. Planetary and Space Science, 2019

[107] S. P. D. Birch*, A. G. Hayes, V. Poggiali, J. D. Hofgartner, J. I. Lunine, M. J. Malaska, S. Wall, R. M. C. Lopes, and O. White. Raised Rims around Titan’s Sharp-Edged Depressions, GRL 2019

[106]  V. Poggiali*, A.G. Hayes, M. Mastrogiuseppe, R.Seu, J. Mullen, and M. C. Raguso. Delay-Doppler algorithm applied to the Cassini RADAR Altimeter, IEEE TGRS 2019

[105] A. Coustenis, G. Kminek, N. Hedman, Cospar Panel on Planetary Protection (Including A.G. Hayes).  The COSPAR Panel on Planetary Protection Role, Structure, and Activites. Space Research Today 2019

[104] A. G. Hayes. Dunes across the Solar System: A tale of Pluto and patterns. Science 2018

[103] M. Mastrogiuseppe*, V. Poggiali*, A.G. Hayes, J. Lunine, J., R.Seu, G. Di Achille, and R. Lorenz. Cassini Radar Observations of Punga Mare and Environs: Bathymetry and Composition, EPSL 2018

[102] A. G. Hayes, J. I. Lunine, R. D. Lorenz. Titan’s Hydrologic Cycle: A Post-Cassini View. Nat. Geo. 2018

[101] C. A. Nixon, R. D. Lorenz, R. K. Achterberg, A. Buch, P. Coll, R. N. Clark, R. Courtin, A. G. Hayes, L. Iess, R. E. Johnson, R. M. C. Lopes, M. Mastrogiuseppe, K. Mandt, D. G. Mitchell, F. Raulin, A. M. Rymer, H. Todd Smith, A. Solomonidou, C. Sotin, D. Strobel, E. P. Turtle, V. Vuitton, R. A. West, R. V. Yelle. Titan’s Cold Case Files – Outstanding Questions After Cassini-Huygens. Planetary and Space Science 2018

[100] S. P. D. Birch*, A. G. Hayes, P. M. Corlies, E. R. Stofan, J. D. Hofgartner, R. M. C. Lopes, J. I. Lunine, S. M. MacKenzie, M. J. Malaska, C. A. Wood, and the Cassini RADAR Team. Morphological Evidence that Titan’s Southern Hemisphere Basins are Paleoseas. Icarus 2017

[99] P. M. Corlies*, A. G. Hayes, S. P. D. Birch, R. L. Kirk, B. Stiles, L. Iess. Titan’s Global Topography at the End of the Cassini Mission. GRL  2017

[98] A. G. Hayes, W. Dietrich, A. D. Howard, R. L. Kirk, E. P. Turtle J. W. Barnes, A. Lucas, K. L. Mitchell. Topographic constraints on the evolution and hydrology of Titan’s lacustrine basins. GRL 2017

[97] M. Hofstadter, A. Simon, S. Atreya, D. Banfield, J. Fortney, A. G. Hayes, M. Hedman, G. Hospodarsky, A. Masters, K. Mandt, M. Showalter, K. Soderlund, D. Turrini, E. Turtle, and the Mission Study Team (2017): Ice Giants Pre-Decadal Study Final Report. Posted June, 2017 (JPL-D-100520).

[96] G. Mitri, F. Postberg, J. M. Soderblom, P. Wurz, P. Tortora, B. Abel, J. W. Barnes, M. Berga, N. Carrasco, A. Coustenis, J. P. de Vera, A. D’Ottavio, F. Ferri, A. G. Hayes, P. O. Hayne, J. K. Hillier, S. Kempf, J.P. Lebreton, R. D. Lorenz, A. Martelli, R. Orosei, A. E. Petropoulos, K. Reh, J. Schmidt, C. Sotin, R. Srama, G. Tobie, A. Vorburger, V. Vuitton, A. Wong, M. Zonnoni, Explorer of Enceladus and Titan (E2T): Investigating Ocean Worlds’ Evolution and Habitability in the Solar System, Planetary and Space Science, 2017

[95] K. P. Hand, A.E. Murray, J. B. Garbin, W. B. Brinkerhoff, B.C. Christner, K.S. Edgett, B.L. Ehlmann, C.R. German, A. G. Hayes, T.M. Hoehler, S.M. Horst, J.I. Lunine, K.H. Nealson, C. Paranicas, B.E. Schmidt, D.E. Smith, A.R. Rhoden, M.J. Russell, A.S. Templeton, P.A. Willis, R.A. Yingst, C.B. Phillips, M.L. Cable, K.L. Craft, A.E. Hofmann, T.A. Nordheim, R.P. Pappalardo, and the Project Engineering Team (2017): Report of the Europa Lander Science Definition Team. Posted February, 2017 (JPL-D-97667).

[94] Z. Zhang*, A. G. Hayes, I. de Pater, D. E. Dunn, M. A. Janssen, P. D. Nicholson, J. N. Cuzzi, B. J. Butler, R. J. Sault, S. Chatterjee, VLA multi-wavelength microwave observations of Saturn’s C and B rings, Icarus, 2017

[93] S. P. D. Birch*, Y. Tang*, A. G. Hayes, R. de Freitas Bart, S. Squyres, J. Soderblom, R. Kirk, Geomorphology of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, MNRAS, 2017.

[92] A. Le Gall, C. Leyrat, M. A. Janssen, G. Choblet, G. Tobie, O. Bourgeois, C. Sotin, A. Lucas, C. Howett, R. Krik, R. D. West, R. D. Lorenz, A. Stolzenbach, A. G. Hayes, L. Bonnefoy, G. Veyssiere, New thermal anomalies in the subsurface of Enceladus’ South Polar Terrain, Nature Astronomy, 2017.

[91] Z. Zhang*, A. G. Hayes, M. A. Janssen, P. D. Nicholson, J. N. Cuzzi, I. de Pater, D. E. Dunn, Origin of Saturn’s A and B Rings, and the Cassini Division as Suggested by Their Non-Icy Material Content, Icarus, 2017.

[90] J. S. Mendez Harper, G. D. McDonald, J. Dufek, M. J. Malaska, A. G. Hayes, J. McAdams, A. Stockston, J. J. Wray, The Electrified Dunes of Titan, Nature Geosciences, 2017.

[89] M. Mastrogiuseppe*, A.G. Hayes, V. Poggiali, J. Lunine, J., R. Lorenz, R.Seu, A. Le Gall, K. Mitchell,  A. G. Hayes,  S. P. D. Birch. Bathymetry and Composition of Titan’s Ontario Lacus derived from Monte Carlo-based waveform inversion of Cassini RADAR altimetry data, Icarus, 2017

[87] C. Grima, M. Mastrogiuseppe, A. G. Hayes, S. D. Wall, B. Stiles, C. Elachi, Surface Roughness of Titan’s Hydrocarbon Seas, Icarus, 2016.

[86] B.L. Ehlmann, F.S. Anderson, J. Andrews-Hanna, Carter, D. C. Catling, Christiansen, B.A. Cohen, C.D. Dressing, C.S. Edwards, L.T. Elkins-Tanton, K.A. Farley, C.I. Fassett, W.W. Fischer, A.A. Fraeman, M. P. Golombek, V.E. Hamilton, A. G. Hayes, C. D. K. Herd, B. Horgan, R. Hu, B.M. Jakosky, J.R. Johnson, J. F. Kasting, Kerber, E.S. Kite, H.A. Knutson, J. I. Lunine, P. R. Mahaffy, N. Mangold, McCubbin, J.F. Mustard, Niles, C. Quantin-Nataf, M. S. Rice, K.M. Stack, D. J.Stevenson, S.T. Stewart, M. J. Toplis, T. Usui, B.P. Weiss, S.C. Werner, R.D. Wordsworth, J.J. Wray, R.A. Yingst, Y.L. Yung, K.J. Zahnle, The Sustainability of Habitability on Terrestrial Planets: Insights, Questions, and Needed Measurements from Mars for Understanding the Evolution of Earth-like Worlds, JGR Planets, 2016

[85] V. Poggiai*, M. Mastrogiuseppe*, A.G. Hayes, R.Seu, Liquid Filled Canyons on Titan, GRL, 2016

[84] B. G. Bills, B. W. Styles, R. L. Kirk, A. G. Hayes, S. P. D. Birch. A Dynamic Model of Titan’s Rotation Constrained by Cassini RADAR Data, Icarus, 2016 (Submitted).

[83] D. Vincent, O. Karatekin, V. Vallaeys,  A. G. Hayes, M. Mastrogiuseppe, C. Notarnicola, V. Dehant, E. Deleersnijder. Numerical study of tides in Ontario Lacus, a hydrocarbon lake on the Surface of the Saturnian moon Titan, Icarus, 2016

[82] C. A. Nixon, R. K. Achterbery, M. Adamkovics, B. Bezard, G .L. Bjoraker, T. Cornet, A. G. Hayes, M. T. Lemmin, M. Lopez-Puertas, S. Rodriguez, C. Sotin, N.A Teanby, R. A. West, E. P. Turtle, S. N. Milam. Titan Science with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), Publications of the Astronomy Society of the Pacific (PASP), MS #35133R1, 2016.

[81] J. D. Hofgartner*, A. G. Hayes, J. I. Lunine. Titan’s Magic Island: Transient Feature in a Hydrocarbon Sea, Icarus, 2016.

[80] A. G. Hayes, Titan’s Lakes and Seas, Annual Reviews of Earth and Space Science, 2016.

[79] M.C. Palucis, W. E. Dietrich, A. G. Hayes, T. Parker, D. Y. Sumner, N. Mangold, K. Lewis, H. Newsom. Sequence and relative timing of large lakes in Gale crater (Mars) after the formation of Mt. Sharp. JGR Planets 2016.

[78] A. Le Gall, M. J. Malaska, R. D. Lorenz, M. A. Janssen, T. Tokano, A. G. Hayes, M. Mastrogiuseppe, G. Veyssiere. Composition, seasonal change and bathymetry of Ligeia Mare, Titan, derived from its microwave thermal emission, JGR Planets 2016.

[77] J. Radebaugh, D. Ventra, R. Lorenz, T. Farr, R. Kirk, A. G. Hayes, M. Malaska, S. Birch, Z. Liu, J. Lunine, J. Barnes, A. Le Gall, R. M. C. Lopes, E. Stofan, S. D. Wall, and P. Paillou. Alluvial and Fluvial Fans on Saturn’s Moon Titan Reveal Processes, Materials, and Regional Geology. Geology and Geomorphology of Alluvial and Fluvial Fans: From Terrestrial to Planetary Perspectives, Geological Society Publishing House 2016.

[76] G. D. McDonald*, A. G. Hayes, R. C. Ewing, J. M. Lora, C. E. Newman, T. Tokano, A. Soto, G. Chen, A. Lucas. Variations in Titan’s dune orientations as a result of orbital forcing. Icarus 2016.

[75] S. P. D. Birch*, A. G. Hayes, W. E. Dietrich, J. Moore, M. Mastrogiuseppe, O. White, A. D. Howard, M. J. Malaska, R. Kirk, E. Turtle, and J. Barnes. Geomorphology of Titan’s polar terrains: Using landscape form to understand surface process. Icarus 2016.

[74] S. P. D. Birch*, A. G. Hayes, A. D. Howard, J. Moore, and J. Radebaugh. Alluvial Fan Morphology, Distribution, and Formation on Titan. Icarus 2016.

[73] M. Malaska, R. L. Lopes D. A. Williams, A. G. Hayes, A. M. Shoenfield, M. A. Janssen, A. Le Gall, A. Solomindou, J. Radebaugh, C. D. Neish, S. P. D. Birch, J. Soderblom, T. G. Farr, E. P. Turtle. Geomorphological map of the Afekan Crater Region, Titan: Terrain Relationships in Titan’s Equatorial and Mid-Latitudes. Icarus 2016.

[72] M. A. Janssen, A. Le Gall, R. M. Lopes, R. D. Lorenz, M. Malaska, A. G. Hayes, C. D. Neish, A. Solomonidou, K. L. Mitchell, J. Radebaugh, S. J. Keihm, M. Choukroun, C. Leyrat, P. J. Encrenaz, and M. Mastrogiuseppe. Titan’s Surface at 2.18-cm Wavelength Imaged by the Cassini RADAR Radiometer Results and Interpretations through the First Ten Years of Observation. Icarus 2016.

[71] R. M. Lopes, M. Malaska, A. Solomonidou, A. Le Gall, M. A. Janssen, C. D. Neish, E. P. Turtle, S. P. D. Birch, A. G. Hayes, J. Radebaugh, A. Coustenis, B. W. Stiles, R. L. Kirk, K. L. Mitchell, E. R. Stofan, K. J. Lawrence. Nature, Distribution, and Origin of Titan’s Undifferentiated Plains. Icarus 2016.

[70] L. E. Bonnefoy*, A. G. Hayes, P. O. Hayne, M. J. Malaska. Compositional and spatial variations in Titan dune and interdune regions from Cassini VIMS and RADAR. Icarus 2016.

[69] R. J. Michaelides*, A. G. Hayes, M. Mastrogiuseppe, H. A. Zebker, T. G. Farr, M. J. Malaska, V. Poggiali. Constraining the physical properties of Titan’s empty lake basins from nadir and off-nadir radar backscatter. Icarus 2016.

[68] M. Malaska, R. L. Lopes, A. G. Hayes, J. Radebaugh, J. W. Barnes, R. D. Lorenz, E. Turtle. Material flux map of Titan: the fate of dunes. Icarus 2016.

[67] M. Mastrogiuseppe*, A. G. Hayes, V. Poggiali, R. D. Lorenz, L.I. Lunine, G. Picardi, R. Sue, E. Flamini, G. Mitri, C. Notarnicola, P. Paillou, and H. Zebker. Radar sounding using the Cassini altimeter: Waveform modeling and Monte Carlo approach for data inversion of observations of Titan’s seas, IEEE 2016.

[66] Z. Zhang*, A. G. Hayes, M. Janssen, P. D. Nicholson, D. Dunn, and I. dePater, and J. Cuzzi. Cassini microwave observations provide clues to the origin of Saturn’s C ring, Icarus 2016.

[65] O. Mousis, J. I. Lunine, A. G. Hayes, J. D. Hofgartner. The Fate of Ethane in Titan’s Hydrocarbon Lakes and Seas, Icarus 2016.

[64] M. Adamkovics, J. L. Mitchell, A. G. Hayes, P. Rojo, P. Corlies, and J. W. Barnes. Meridional variation in tropospheric methane on Titan observed with AO spectroscopy at Keck and VLT, Icarus 2016.

[63] J. Radebaugh, J.W. Barnes, R. D. Lorenz, A. G. Hayes, K. Arnold, C. Chandler. Alluvial and fluvial fans on Saturn’s moon Titan reveal processes, materials, and regional geology, Planetary Science 2015.

[62] J.W. Barnes, R. D. Lorenz, J. Radebaugh, A. G. Hayes, K. Arnold, C. Chandler. Production and Global Transport of Titan’s Sand Particles, Planetary Science 2015.

[61] R. C. Ewing, G. McDonald, A. G. Hayes, Multi-Spatial Analysis of Aeolian Dune Field Patterns, Geomorphology, BGS Special Issue 2015.

[60] R. C. Ewing, A. G. Hayes, A. Lucas. Sand Dune Patterns on Titan controlled by long-term climate cycles, Nature Geosciences, 2015.

[59] A. Lucas, R. Rodriguez, C. Narteua, B. Charnay, T. Tokano, A. Garcia,, M. Thiriet, S. Courrech, A. G. Hayes, R. Lorenz, O. Aharonson. C. Ewing, G. McDonald, A. G. Hayes, Insight on growth mechanisms and dune orientation on Titan, GRL 2014.

[58] J. D. Hofgartner*, A. G. Hayes, J. I. Lunine, H. Zebker, B. Stiles, C. Sotin, J. W. Barnes, B. H. Brown, P.
Encrenaz, R. D. Kirk, A. Le Gall, R. M. Lopes, R .D. Lorenz, M. Malaska, K. L. Mitchell, P. Paillou, J. Radebaugh, E. Turtle, S. Wall, C. Wood, and the Cassini RADAR Team, Discovery of Transient Features in a Titan Sea, Nature Geosciences, 2014.

[57] J. M. Lora, J. I. Lunine, J. L. Russell, A. G. Hayes, Simulations of Titan’s Paleoclimate, Icarus 2014 (submitted).

[56] J. W. Barnes, C. S. Sotin, J. M. Soderblom, A. G. Hayes, M. Donelan, S. Rodriguez, S. L. Mouelic, K. H. Baines, T. B. McCord, Cassini/VIMS Observes Rough Surface on Titan’s Punga Mare in Specular Reflection, Planetary Science 2014.

[55] R. D. Lorenz, R.L. Kirk, A. G. Hayes, Y. Z. Anderson, J. I. Lunine, A radar map of Titan Seas: Tidal dissipation and ocean mixing through the throat of Kraken. Icarus 2014.

[54] G. Mitri, R. Orosei, A. G. Hayes, A. Coustenis, G. Fanchini, K. Khurana, J. P. Lebreton, R. Lopes, R. D. Lorenz, L. Iess, R. Meriggiola, M. L. Moriconi, C. Sotin, E. Stofan, T. Tokano, F. Tosi. The Exploration of Titan with an Orbiter and a Lake-Probe, Planetary and Space Science 2014.

[53] H. Zebker, A. G. Hayes, M. Janssen, A. Le Gall, R. D. Lorenz, L. Wye. Surface of Ligeia Mare, Titan, from Cassini Altimeter and Radiometer Analysis, GRL 2014.

[52]* M. Mastrogiuseppe, V. Poggiali, A. G. Hayes, R. D. Lorenz, L.I. Lunine, G. Picardi, R. Sue, E. Flamini, G. Mitri, C. Notarnicola, P. Paillou, and H. Zebker. The Bathymetry and Composition of a Titan Sea, GRL 2014.

[51] M. Palucis, W. E. Dietrich, A.G. Hayes, D.Y. Sumner, C. Hardgrove, S. Gupta, and F. Calef, The origin and evolution of the Peace Vallis fan system that drains to the Curiosity landing area, Gale Crater, JGR Planets 2014.

[50] A. Lucas, O. Aharonson, C. Deledalle, A. G. Hayes, R. Kirk, E. Howington-Kraus. Insights into Titan’s geology and hydrology based on enhanced image processing of Cassini RADAR data, JGR Planets 2014.

[49]* C. Culha*, A. G. Hayes, M. Manga, and A. Thomas. . Double Ridges on Europa Accommodate Some of the Missing Surface Contraction, JGR Planets 2014.

[48] G. Mitri, R. Meriggola, A. G. Hayes, G. Tobie, A. Genova, J. I. Lunine, and L. Iess. Shape, Topography, Gravity Anomalies, and Tidal Deformation on Titan, Icarus 2014.

[47] R. D. Lorenz, B. W. Stiles, O. Aharonson, A. Lucas, A. G. Hayes, R. L. Kirk, A. Zebber, E. P. Turtle, F. Nimmo, C. D. Neish, J. W. Barnes, E. R. Stofan A Global Topographic Map of Titan, Icarus 2013.

[46] C. D. Neish, R. L. Kirk, R. D. Lorenz, V. Bray, P. Schenk, B. Stiles, E. P. Turtle, K. Mitchell, A. G. Hayes Crater Topography on Titan: Implications for Landscape Evolution, Icarus 2013.

[45] A. G. Hayes, R. D. Lorenz, M. Manga, M. A. Donelan, H. L. Tolman, W. W. Fischer, S. D. Graves, M. P. Lamb, J. I. Lunine, P. Encrenaz, O. Aharonson, and the Cassini RADAR Team. Wind driven capillary-gravity waves on Titan’s Lakes: Hard to Detect or Non-Existent? Icarus 2013.

[44] R. M. C. Lopes, R. L. Kirk, K. L. Michell, A. LeGall, J. W. Barnes, A.G. Hayes, J. Kargel, L. Wye, J. Radebaugh, E. R. Stofan, M. A. Janssen, C. D. Neish, S. D. Wall, C. A. Wood, J. I. Lunine, and M. Malaska. Cryovolcanism on Titan: New Results from the Cassini RADAR and VIMS. Journal of Geophysical Research, Planets, 2013.

[43] R. D. Lorenz and A. G. Hayes. The Growth of Wind-Waves in Titan’s Hydrocarbon Seas. Icarus 2012.

[42] B. Ventura, N. Claudia, D. Casarano, F. Posea, L. Wye, and A. G. Hayes. Electromagnetic models and inversion techniques for Titan’s Ontario Lacus depth estimation from Cassini RADAR data. Icarus 2012.

[41] C. Sotin, K.J. Lawrence, B. Reinhardt, J. W. Barnes, R. H. Brown, A. G. Hayes, S. Le Mouelic, L. A. Soderblom, B. J. Buratti, R. N. Clark, R. Jaumann, J. M. Soderblom, K. Stephan, K. H. Baines, and P. D. Nicholson. Observations of Titan’s northern lakes at 5 microns: Implications for the organic cycle and geology. Icarus 2012.

[40] A. Le Gall, A. G. Hayes, and R. C. Ewing, M. A. Janssen,J. Radebaugh, C. Savage, and P. Encrenaz. Latitudinal and altitudinal controls of Titan’s dune field morphometry. Icarus, 2012.

[39] E. P. Turtle, J. E. Perry, A. G Hayes, R. D. Lorenz, J. W. Barnes, A. S. McEwen, R. A. West, T. L. Ray, A. D. Del Genio, J. M. Barbara, and E. L. Schaller. Extensive and Rapid Surface changes near Titan’s equator: Evidence for April Showers? Science, 2011.

[38] A. Le Gall, M. A. Janssen, L. C. Wye, A.G. Hayes, H. Zebker, R. D. Lorenz, J. Radebough, J. I. Lunine, R. L. Kirk, R. M. C. Lopes, S. Wall, P. Callahan, E. R. Stofan, T. Farr, and the Cassini RADAR Team. Cassini SAR Radiometry, Scatterometry, and Altimetry Observations of Titan’s Dune Fields Icarus, 2011.

[37] A.G. Hayes, J. Grotzinger, L. Edgar, W. Watters, S. Squyres, and J. Sohl-Dickstien. Reconstruction of Ancient Eolian Bed Forms and Paleo-Currents from Cross-Bedded Strata at Merdiani Planum, Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, Vol. 116, E00F21, April 2011.

[36] J. W. Barnes, J. Bow, J. Schwartz, R. H. Brown, J. Soderblom, A. G. Hayes, S. Le Mou_elic, S. Rodriguez, C. Sotin, R. Jaumann, K. Stephan, L. A. Soderblom, R. N. Clark, B. J. Buratti, K. H. Baines, and P. D. Nicholson. Organic sedimentary deposits in Titan’s dry lakebeds: Probable Evaporite. Icarus Letters, 2011.

[35] L. A. Edgar, J. P. Grotzinger, A. G. Hayes, D. M. Rubin, S. W. Squyres, J. F. Bell, and
K. E. Herkenhoff. Stratigraphic Architecture of Bedrock Reference Section, Victoria Crater, Meridiani Planum, Mars. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 2011.

[34] A.G. Hayes, O. Aharonson, J. Lunine, H. Zebker, L. Wye, R. Lorenz, E. Turtle, P. Paillou,G. Mitri, S. Wall, E R. Stofan, C. Elachi, and The Cassini RADAR Team. Transient Surface Liquid in Titan’s Polar Regions from Cassini. Icarus, vol. 211, January 2011.

[33] E. P. Turtle, J. E. Perry, A.G. Hayes, and A. S. McEwen. Shoreline Retreat at Titan’s Ontario Lacus and Arrakis Planitia from Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem Observations. Icarus Letters, January 2011.

[32] R. Lorenz, B. Stiles, A. G. Hayes, R. L. Kirk, P. Callahan, O. Aharonson, C. Wood, E. R. Stofan, J. Radebaugh, and K. L. Mitchell. Hypsometry on Titan. Icarus, vol. 211, January 2011.

[31] W. A. Watters, J. F. Bell, J. Grant, J. P. Grotzinger, A.G. Hayes, R. Li, S. W. Squyres, and M. T. Zuber. Origin of the structure and planform shape of small impact craters in fractured targets: Edurance Crater at Meridiani Planum, Mars. Icarus, vol. 211, January 2011.

[30] A.G. Hayes, A. S. Wolf, O. Aharonson, H. Zebker, R. Lorenz, P. Paillou, S. Wall, and C. Elachi. Bathymetry and Absorptivity of Titan’s Ontario Lacus. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, Vol. 115, E09009, September 2010.

[29] J. Radebaugh, R.D. Lorenz, S.D. Wall, R.L. Kirk, C.A. Wood, J.I. Lunine, E.R. Stofan, R.M.C. Lopes, P. Valora, T.G. Farr, A. G. Hayes, B. Stiles, G. Mitri, H. Zebker, M. Janssen, L. Wye, A. Le Gall, K.Mitchell, F. Paganelli and the Cassini RADAR Team 2010. Regional geomorphology and history of Titan’s Xanadu province. Icarus, 2010 (in press).

[28] A. G. Hayes, Exploring Lakes on Titan. Astronomy Beat, Astronomy Society of the Pacific, Vol. 56, 20 September 2010.

[27] R. D. Lorenz, B. Jackson, and A. G. Hayes. Racetrack and Bonnie Claire: southwestern US playa lakes as analogs for Ontario Lacus, Titan. Planetary and Space Science, 58:724-731, March 2010.

[26] S. Wall, A.G. Hayes, C. Bristow, R. Lorenz, E.R. Stofan, J. Lunine, A. Le Gall, M. Janssen, R.L. Lopes, L. Wye, L. Soderblom, P. Paillou, O. Aharonson, H. Zebker, T. Farr, G. Mitri, R. Kirk, K. Mitchell, C. Notarnicola, D. Casarano, and B. Ventura. Active shoreline of Ontario Lacus, Titan: A morphological study of the lake and its surroundings. Geophysical Research Letters, 37:5202, March 2010.

[25] A. Le Gall, M. A. Jansen, L. C. Wye, A. G. Hayes, R. D. Lorenz, J. Radebaugh, and B. Stiles. Modeling observations of variations among Titan’s dunes. Icarus 2010 (submitted).

[24] R. M. C. Lopes, E. R. Stofan, R. Peckyno, J. Radebaugh, K. L. Mitchell, G. Mitri, C. A. Wood, R. L. Kirk, S. D. Wall, J. I. Lunine, A.G. Hayes, R. Lorenz, T. Farr, L. Wye, J. Craig, R. J. Ollerenshaw, M. Janssen, A. Legall, F. Paganelli, R. West, B. Stiles, P. Callahan, Y. Anderson, P. Valora, L.A. Soderblom, and Cassini RADAR Team. Distribution and interplay of geologic processes on Titan from Cassini radar data. Icarus, 205:540-558, February 2010.

[23] O. Aharonson, A.G. Hayes, J.I. Lunine, R.D. Lorenz, M.D. Allison, and C. Elachi. An asymmetric distribution of lakes on Titan as a possible consequence of orbital forcing. Nature Geosciences, 2:851-854, November 2009.

[22] S. W. Squyres, A. H. Knoll, R. E. Arvidson, J. W. Ashley, J. F. Bell, III, W. M. Calvin, P. R. Christensen, B. C. Clark, B. A. Cohen, P. A. de Souza, Jr., L. Edgar, W. H. Farrand, I. Fleischer, R. Gellert, M. P. Golombek, J. Grant, J. Grotzinger, A. G. Hayes, K. E. Herkenhoff, J. R. Johnson, B. Jolliff, G. Klingelhöfer, A. Knudson, R. Li, T. J. McCoy, S. M. McLennan, D. W. Ming, D. W. Mittlefehldt, R. V. Morris, J. W. Rice, Jr., C. Schröder, R. J. Sullivan, A. Yen, and R. A. Yingst Exploration of Victoria Crater by the Mars Rover Opportunity, Science 324 (5930), May 2009.

[21] B. W. Stiles, S. Hensley, Y. Gim, D. M. Bates, R. L. Kirk, A. G. Hayes, J. Radebaugh, R. D. Lorenz, K. L. Mitchell, P. S. Callahan, H. Zebker, W. T. K. Johnson, S. D. Wall, J. I. Lunine, C. A. Wood, M. Janssen, F. Pelletier, R. D. West, C. Veeramacheneni, and the Cassini RADAR Team. Determining Titan surface topography from Cassini SAR data. Icarus, 202:584-598, August 2009.

[20] A.G. Hayes, O. Aharonson, P. Callahan, C. Elachi, Y. Gim, R. Kirk, K. Lewis, R. Lopes, R. Lorenz, J. Lunine, K. Mitchell, G. Mitri, E. Stofan, and S. Wall. Hydrocarbon lakes on Titan: Distribution and interaction with a porous regolith. Geophysical Research Letters, 35:9204, May 2008.

[19] R. L. Kirk, E. Howington-Kraus, B. L. Redding, T. L. Becker, E. M. Lee, B. W. Stiles, S. Hensley, A.G. Hayes, R. M. Lopes, K. L. Lorenz, K. L. Mitchell, J. Radebaugh, F. Paganelli, L. A. Soderblom, E. R. Stofan, C. A. Wood, S. D. Wall, and the Cassini Radar Team. High Resolution Topographic Models of Titan’s Surface Derived by Radar Stereogrammetry with a Rigorous Sensor Model. Icarus, 2010 (submitted).

[18] R. D. Lorenz, K. L. Mitchell, R. L. Kirk, A.G. Hayes, O. Aharonson, H. A. Zebker, P. Paillou, J. Radebaugh, J. I. Lunine, M. A. Janssen, S. D. Wall, R. M. Lopes, B. Stiles, S. Ostro, G. Mitri, and E. R. Stofan. Titan’s inventory of organic surface materials. Geophysical Research Letters, 35:2206, January 2008.

[17] R. M. C. Lopes, K. L. Mitchell, S. D. Wall, G. Mitri, M. Janssen, S. Ostro, R. L. Kirk, A. G. Hayes, E. R. Stofan, J. I. Lunine, R. D. Lorenz , C. Wood, J. Radebaugh, P. Paillou, H. Zebker, And F. Paganelli, The Lakes and Seas of Titan. Eos, Vol. 88, No. 51, Pp. 569-576, 18 December, 2007

[16] M. Brown, A.G. Hayes, K. Anderson, J. James, and D. C. Harrison. Spectral radiant emission of dynamic resistive arrays. In Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, volume 6544 of Presented at the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference, April 2007.

[15] J. R. Johnson, W. M. Grundy, M. T. Lemmon, J. F. Bell, M. J. Johnson, R. Deen, R. E. Arvidson, W. H. Farrand, E. Guinness, A.G. Hayes, K. E. Herkenhof, F. Seelos, J. Soderblom, and S. Squyres. Spectrophotometric properties of materials observed by Pancam on the Mars Exploration Rovers: 2. Opportunity. Opportunity. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 111:12, December 2006.

[14] J. R. Johnson, W. M. Grundy, M. T. Lemmon, J. F. Bell, M. J. Johnson, R. G. Deen, R. E. Arvidson, W. H. Farrand, E. A. Guinness, A.G. Hayes, K. E. Herkenhof, F. Seelos, J. Soderblom, and S. Squyres. Spectrophotometric properties of materials observed by Pancam on the Mars Exploration Rovers: 1. Spirit. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 111:2, February 2006.

[13] A.G. Hayes, F. J. Caraco, D. C. Harrison, and J. M. Sorvari. Characterization and comparison of 128×128 element nuclear optical dynamic display system resistive arrays. In Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, volume 6208 of Presented at the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference, June 2006.

[12] A.G. Hayes, G. Downs, A. Gabrielson, D. C. Harrison, E. L. Hines, L. A. Jiang, J. M. Richardson, and J. Swenson. The seeker experimental system at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. In Society of Photo Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, volume 6208 of Presented at the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference, June 2006.

[11] J. M. Richardson, J. C. Aldridge, D. C. Harrison, A.G. Hayes, E. L. Hines, L. A. Jiang, and K. I. Schultz. The Standoff Aerosol Active Signature Testbed (SAAST) at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. In Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, volume 6239 of Presented at the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference, June 2006.

[10] L. A. Jiang, D. R. Schue, D. C. Harrison, A.G. Hayes, E. L. Hines, J. M. Richardson, and K. J. Schultz. Active Range of the Optical Systems Test Facility at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. In Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, volume 6214 of Presented at the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference, June 2006.

[9] D. C. Harrison, A.G. Hayes, L. A. Jiang, E. L. Hines, and J. M. Richardson. . The MIT Lincoln Laboratory optical systems test facility. In Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, volume 6208 of Presented at the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference, June 2006.

[8] P. R. Christensen, M. B. Wyatt, T. D. Glotch, A. D. Rogers, S. Anwar, R. E. Arvidson, J. L. Bandfeld, D. L. Blaney, C. Budney, W. M. Calvin, A. Fallacaro, R. L. Fergason, N. Gorelick, T. G. Graf, V. E. Hamilton, A.G. Hayes, J. R. Johnson, A. T. Knudson, H. Y. McSween, G. L. Mehall, L. K. Mehall, J. E. Moersch, R. V. Morris, M. D. Smith, S. W. Squyres, S. W. Ruf, and M. J. Wolf. Mineralogy at Meridiani Planum from the Mini-TES Experiment on the Opportunity Rover. Science, 306:1733-1739, December 2004.

[7] K. E. Herkenhof, S. W. Squyres, R. Arvidson, D. S. Bass, J. F. Bell, P. Bertelsen, B. L. Ehlmann, W. Farrand, L. Gaddis, R. Greeley, J. Grotzinger, A.G. Hayes, S. F. Hviid, J. R. Johnson, B. Jollif, K. M. Kinch, A. H. Knoll, M. B. Madsen, J. N. Maki, S. M. McLennan, H. Y. McSween, D. W. Ming, J. W. Rice, L. Richter, M. Sims, P. H. Smith, L. A. Soderblom, N. Spanovich, R. Sullivan, S. Thompson, T. Wdowiak, C. Weitz, and P. Whelley. Evidence from Opportunity’s Microscopic Imager for Water on Meridiani Planum. Science, 306:1727-1730, December 2004.

[6] J. F. Bell, S. W. Squyres, R. E. Arvidson, H. M. Arneson, D. Bass, W. Calvin, W. H. Farrand, W. Goetz, M. Golombek, R. Greeley, J. Grotzinger, E. Guinness, A.G. Hayes, M. Y. H. Hubbard, K. E. Herkenhof, M. J. Johnson, J. R. Johnson, J. Joseph, K. M. Kinch, M. T. Lemmon, R. Li, M. B. Madsen, J. N. Maki, M. Malin, E. McCartney, S. McLennan, H. Y. McSween, D. W. Ming, R. V. Morris, E. Z. N. Dobrea, T. J. Parker, J. Proton, J. W. Rice, F. Seelos, J. M. Soderblom, L. A. Soderblom, J. N. Sohl-Dickstein, R. J. Sullivan, C. M. Weitz, and M. J. Wolf. Pancam Multispectral Imaging Results from the Opportunity Rover at Meridiani Planum. Science, 306:1703-1709, December 2004.

[5] K. E. Herkenhof, S. W. Squyres, R. Arvidson, D. S. Bass, J. F. Bell, P. Bertelsen, N. A. Cabrol, L. Gaddis, A.G. Hayes, S. F. Hviid, J. R. Johnson, K. M. Kinch, M. B. Madsen, J. N. Maki, S. M. McLennan, H. Y. McSween, J. W. Rice, M. Sims, P. H. Smith, L. A. Soderblom, N. Spanovich, R. Sullivan, and A.Wang. Textures of the Soils and Rocks at Gusev Crater from Spirit’s Microscopic Imager. Science, 305:824-827, August 2004.

[4] J. F. Bell, S. W. Squyres, R. E. Arvidson, H. M. Arneson, D. Bass, D. Blaney, N. Cabrol, W. Calvin, J. Farmer, W. H. Farrand, W. Goetz, M. Golombek, J. A. Grant, R. Greeley, E. Guinness, A.G. Hayes, M. Y. H. Hubbard, K. E. Herkenhof, M. J. Johnson, J. R. Johnson, J. Joseph, K. M. Kinch, M. T. Lemmon, R. Li, M. B. Madsen, J. N. Maki, M. Malin, E. McCartney, S. McLennan, H. Y. McSween, D. W. Ming, J. E. Moersch, R. V. Morris, E. Z. Noe Dobrea, T. J. Parker, J. Proton, J. W. Rice, F. Seelos, J. Soderblom, L. A. Soderblom, J. N. Sohl-Dickstein, R. J. Sullivan, M. J. Wolf, and A. Wang. Pancam Multispectral Imaging Results from the Spirit Rover at Gusev Crater. Science, 305:800-807, August 2004.

[3] P. R. Christensen, S. W. Ruf, R. L. Fergason, A. T. Knudson, S. Anwar, R. E. Arvidson, J. L. Bandfield, D. L. Blaney, C. Budney, W. M. Calvin, T. D. Glotch, M. P. Golombek, N. Gorelick, T. G. Graf, V. E. Hamilton, A.G. Hayes, J. R. Johnson, H. Y. McSween, G. L. Mehall, L. K. Mehall, J. E. Moersch, R. V. Morris, A. D. Rogers, M. D. Smith, S. W. Squyres, M. J. Wolf, and M. B. Wyatt. Initial Results from the Mini-TES Experiment in Gusev Crater from the Spirit Rover. Science, 305:837-842, August 2004.

[2] J. F. Bell, S. W. Squyres, K. E. Herkenhof, J. N. Maki, H. M. Arneson, D. Brown, S. A. Collins, A. Dingizian, S. T. Elliot, E. C. Hagerott, A.G. Hayes, M. J. Johnson, J. R. Johnson, J. Joseph, K. Kinch, M. T. Lemmon, R. V. Morris, L. Scherr, M. Schwochert, M. K. Shepard, G. H. Smith, J. N. Sohl-Dickstein, R. J. Sullivan, W. T. Sullivan, and M. Wadsworth. Mars Exploration Rover Athena Panoramic Camera (Pancam) investigation. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 108:8063, November 2003.

[1] K. E. Herkenhof, S. W. Squyres, J. F. Bell, J. N. Maki, H. M. Arneson, P. Bertelsen, D. I. Brown, S. A. Collins, A. Dingizian, S. T. Elliott, W. Goetz, E. C. Hagerott, A.G. Hayes, M. J. Johnson, R. L. Kirk, S. McLennan, R. V. Morris, L. M. Scherr, M. A. Schwochert, L. R. Shiraishi, G. H. Smith, L. A. Soderblom, J. N. Sohl-Dickstein, and M. V. Wadsworth. Athena Microscopic Imager investigation. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 108:8065, November 2003.